Filed under: Laptops

While you’ll still have to wait a while to get your hands on a 10-inch Eee PC, you can now grab the 4G Surf version of the budget laptop, which will save you $50 over the standard model. Running $349 and apparently available only in Black for now (at least at, this one is largely identical to the non-Surf Eee PC, with the notable exception of a smaller battery that Asus says will give you about 2.8 hours of runtime (although Newegg’s listing shows the same 3.5 hours as the regular model). You also apparently won’t be able to upgrade the RAM beyond 512MB like you can with the standard Eee PC, and you’ll have to make do without that 0.3 megapixel webcam. If that’s still too pricey for you, you can always wait for the 2G Surf, which’ll knock the price down to just $299.
[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]
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