Filed under: Gaming, GPS, Handhelds
In case you missed it in all the hubbub earlier, we thought we’d take a minute to flesh out the details on Sony’s newly announced Go!Messenger service for the PSP, as well as its also just-announced Go!Explore GPS package. Set to be released in January of next year, Go!Messenger will apparently be pushed out as part of a firmware update (which, of course, means it’s free) and will sit on the XMB for easy access. From there you can get in some VoIP voice chat or, with the help of a Go!Cam, some video chat as well. What’s more, the app will also boast a “new and intuitive on-screen keyboard” for some IM action. On the non-free front, Sony’s trotted its Go!Explore GPS package, which was developed in collaboration with Tele Atlas and NavNGo. While the price doesn’t appear to have been specified, the package will include both the GPS add-on for the PSP and a UMD loaded with your chosen maps. According to Sony, the system will be equally at home as a pedestrian or in-car GPS, and you’ll most everything you’d expect from a dedicated GPS system, including 3D maps, 11 unique audio languages, and plenty of POIs. Look for it to launch “in the New Year,” with seven different geographic versions set to be available for various parts of Europe.
Read – Sony Go!Messenger Press Release
Read – Sony Go!Explore Press Release
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